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" To be strong-backed and neat-bound is the desideratum of a volume. Magnificence comes after. This, when it can be afforded, is not to be lavished upon all kinds of books indiscriminately. "
Monthly Packet - Page 162
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The London Magazine, Volume 6

1822 - 694 pages
...; would renovate Paracelsus himself, and enable old Raymund Lully — I have them both, reader — to look like himself again in the world. I never see...them, to warm my ragged veterans in their spoils. 1822-3 To be strong-backed and neatbound is the desideratum of a volume. Magnificence comes after....
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Elia: Essays which Have Appeared Under that Signature in the London Magazine

Charles Lamb - 1828 - 268 pages
...exceptions, I can read almost any thing. I bless my stars for a taste so catholic, so unexcluding. world. I never see these impostors, but I long to...This, when it can be afforded, is not to be lavished upon all kinds of books indiscriminately. I would not dress a set of Magazines, for instance, in full...
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The Last Essays of Elia: Being a Sequel to Essays Published Under ..., Partie 2

Charles Lamb - 1833 - 308 pages
...comfortably re-clothe my shivering folios; would renovate Paracelsus himself, and enable old Raymund Lully to look like himself again in the world. I never see...This, when it can be afforded, is not to be lavished upon all kinds of books indiscriminately. I would not dress a set of Magazines, for instance, in full...
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Essays of Elia

Charles Lamb - 1835 - 440 pages
...comfortable re-clothe my shivering folios ; wpuld renovate Paracelsus himself, and enable old Baymund Lully to look like himself again in the world. I never see...This, when it can be afforded, is not to be lavished upon all kinds of books indiscriminately. I would not dress a set of Magazines, for instance, in full...
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The Republic of Letters: A Weekly Republication of Standard Literature, Volume 3

1835 - 434 pages
...folios ; would renovate Paracelsus himself, and enable old Raymond Lully — I have them both reader — to look like himself again in the world. I never see...volume. Magnificence comes after. This, when it can be aflorded, is not to be lavished upon all kmds of books indiscriminately. I Would not dress a set of...
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The Republic of Letters: A Weekly Republication of Standard Literature, Volume 3

1835 - 430 pages
...folios ; would renovate Paracelsus himself, and enable old Raymond Lully — I have them both reader — to look like himself again in the world. I never their spoils. To be strong-backed and neat-bound 11 the desideratum of a volume. Magnificence comes after. This, when it can be afforded, is not to...
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The prose works of Charles Lamb, Volume 3

Charles Lamb - 1836 - 326 pages
...comfortably re-clothe my shivering folios; would renovate Paracelsus himself, and enable old Raymund Lully to look like himself again in the world. I never see...This, when it can be afforded, is not to be lavished upon all kinds of books indiscriminately. I would not dress a set of Magazines, for instance, in full...
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Elia, Volume 1

Charles Lamb - 1836 - 324 pages
...comfortably re-clothe my shivering folios; would renovate Paracelsus himself, and enable old Raymund Lully to look like himself again in the world. I never see...This, when it can be afforded, is not to be lavished upon all kinds of books indiscriminately. I would not dress a set of Magazines, for instance, in full...
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The Works of Charles Lamb: To which are Prefixed, His Letters, and ..., Volume 2

Charles Lamb, Thomas Noon Talfourd - 1838 - 486 pages
...comfortably reclothe my shivering folios ; would renovate Paracelsus himself, and enable old Raymund Lully to look like himself again in the world. I never see...This, when it can be afforded, is not to be lavished upon all kinds of books indiscriminately. I would not dress a set of magazines, for instance, in full...
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The essays of Elia

Charles Lamb - 1840 - 304 pages
...comfortably re-clothe my shivering folios ; would renovate Paracelsus himself, and enable old Itaymund Lully to look like himself again in the world. I never see...volume. Magnificence comes after. This, when it can be aiforded, is not to be lavished upon all kinds of books indiscriminately. I would not dress a set of...
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