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" Amen ; so let it be : Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. "
Æmilius [signed A.D.C.]. - Page 302
de Augustine David Crake - 1871
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Volume 61

1835 - 700 pages
...good. Take, for instance, a stanza, from the present volume, in his lines on a passage in Timothy. « " For ever with the Lord ! " Amen ; so let it be — Life from the dead is in that word, Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from him I roam ; Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A...
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Blackwood's Magazine, Volume 101

1867 - 810 pages
...adapted in a style excruciating to a sensitive author, is most popular — " For ever with the Lonl, Amen, so let it be ; Life from the dead is in that word : "TIs immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent...
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The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th]

1834 - 550 pages
...Montgomery has supplied a strain in his loftiest mood, in the stanzas entitled ' At Home in Heaven. ' ' " For ever with the Lord! " Amen ; so let it be : Life from the dead is in that word ; 'Tis immortality. ' Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent...
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The Eclectic Review, Volume 11 ;Volume 59

Samuel Greatheed, Daniel Parken, Theophilus Williams, Josiah Conder, Thomas Price, Jonathan Edwards Ryland, Edwin Paxton Hood - 1834 - 638 pages
...Montgomery has supplied a strain in his loftiest mood, in the stanzas entitled ' At Home in Heaven.' ' " For ever with the Lord ! " Amen ; so let it be : Life from the dead is in that word -. "I'is immortality. ' Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving...
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A poet's portfolio; or, Minor poems

James Montgomery - 1835 - 360 pages
...from the lowest hell, Prepares a heavenly house for me, AT HOME IN HEAVEN 1 THESS. iv. 17. PART I. " FOR ever with the Lord ! " — Amen ; so let it be ; Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam ; My Father's house on high, Home of...
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Hymns for the poor of the flock [compiled by sir E. Denny].

Hymns - 1840 - 464 pages
...And one bless'd song shall rend the skies " The glory, Lord, be Thine !" C. — 6, Q, 8, 6. 1 " FOB ever with the Lord !" Amen, so let it be: Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. 2 Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent,...
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Hymns for the Use of the Methodist Episcopal Church

Methodist Episcopal Church - 1840 - 760 pages
...labours have an end, When I thy joys shall see. 943 SM At home in heaven. TjlOREVER with the Lord ! JD Amen, so let it be ! Life from, the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. 2 Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam; Yet nightly pitch my moving tent...
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The Poetical Works of James Montgomery, Volume 4

James Montgomery - 1841 - 400 pages
...heavenly house for me, Then calls me home with Him to dwell. AT HOME IN HEAVEN. 1 THESS. iv. 17. PART I. " FOR ever with the LORD ! " — Amen, so let it be ; Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from Him I roam ; Yet nightly pitch my moving tent...
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The Ladies' Repository, Volume 17

1857 - 830 pages
...And henceforth, the life thou livost shall bo by faith on the Son of God. "Forever with the Lord I Amen, so let It be! Life from the dead Is In that word, *TM immortality ." CHRISTIAN GOODNESS, A SPIRIT OP SELP-SAORIPIOE. — T //, died that they irhith...
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The Penny Protestant operative, Volumes 4 à 7

Protestant association - 1843 - 480 pages it is with godly and wicked men in their sufferings. POETRY. TO BE WITH CHRIST. 1 Thess. iv. 17. For ever with the Lord, Amen, so let it be ; Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A...
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