LORD, in thy name thy servants plead, And thou hast sworn to hear ; Thine is the harvest, thine the seed, The fresh and fading year. 2 Our hope, when autumn winds blew wild, We trusted, Lord, with thee ; And still, now spring has on us smiled, We wait... Miscellaneous Poems - Page 114de John Keble - 1869 - 309 pagesAffichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | George Burgess - 1860 - 544 pages
...death ; Whether He send us balm for gall, Or immortality for breath. THANKSGIVING DAY. HYMN 158. CM LORD, in Thy name Thy servants plead, And Thou hast...harvest, Thine the seed, The fresh and fading year. 2 The former and the latter rain, The summer sun and air, The green ear, and the golden grain, All... | |
 | George Burgess - 1860 - 388 pages
...Or immortality for breath. THANKSGIVING DAY. HYMN 158. CM r ORD, in Thy name Thy servants plead, J_^ And Thou hast sworn to hear ; Thine is the harvest, Thine the seed, The fresh and fading year. 2 The former and the latter rain, The summer sun and air, The green ear, and the golden grain, All... | |
 | Roundell Palmer (1st earl of Selborne) - 1863 - 508 pages
...raise, And all created Nature join In sweet harmonious praise ! Anne Fltrwcrdew. 1 8 1 i. CCI.Xix. Lord, in Thy Name Thy servants plead, And Thou hast...winds blew wild, We trusted, Lord, with Thee ; And now, that spring has on us smiled, We wait on Thy decree. The former and the latter rain, The summer... | |
 | Roundell Palmer Earl of Selborne - 1864 - 502 pages
...join In sweet harmonious praise ! Anne Fltrwerdew. 181 T ORD, in Thy Name Thy servants plead, J — j And Thou hast sworn to hear ; Thine is the harvest,...winds blew wild, We trusted, Lord, with Thee ; And, now that spring has on us smiled, We wait on Thy decree. The former and the latter rain, The summer... | |
 | 1865 - 384 pages
...Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. Amen. STtmr. 340, c. M LORD, in Thy name Thy servants plead, And Thou hast...winds blew wild •We trusted, Lord, with Thee, And now that spring has on us smiled We wait on Thy decree. The former and the latter rain, The summer... | |
 | Book - 1865 - 374 pages
...chief Shepherd shall appear, O God, may they in glory shine. Amen. J. Montgomery* Rogation Days. 285. LORD, in Thy Name Thy servants plead, And Thou hast...to hear ; Thine is the harvest, Thine the seed, The spring and falling year. Our hope, when autumn winds blew wild, We trusted, Lord, with Thee : And still,... | |
 | Henry Williams Baker, Louis Coutier Biggs - 1867 - 374 pages
...of all wait upon Thee, O LORD : and Thou givest them their meat in due season." — Psalm cxlv. 15. LORD, in Thy Name Thy servants plead, And Thou hast...harvest, Thine the seed, The fresh and fading year. * Compare Gen. ix. 12 with Isa. liv. 9. L 2 2 Our hope, when autumn winds blew wild, * * Eccles. xi.... | |
 | Hymns - 1867 - 400 pages
...of all wait upon Thee, O LORD : and Thou givest them their meat in due season." — Psalm cxlv. 15. LORD, in Thy Name Thy servants plead, And Thou hast...harvest; Thine the seed, The fresh and fading year. * Compare Gen. ix. with Isa. liv. 9. 2 Our hope, when autumn winds blew wild, * * Eccles. xi. 4. We... | |
 | Supplemental hymns, Henry Allon - 1868 - 208 pages
...Ps. eiv. 27. Gloueester, 317.] CM [j. BEBLE. o 9 n T ORD, in Thy name Thy servants plead, .^ J w -*.* And Thou hast sworn to hear ; Thine is the harvest, Thine the seed, The fresh and fading year. 2 Our hope, when autumn winds blew wild, We trusted, Lord, with Thee, And still, now spring has on... | |
 | William Henry Monk - 1869 - 204 pages
...Bags. OM " The eyes of all wail apon Thee, O LORD ; and Thou glvest them their meat In due season." LORD, in Thy Name Thy servants plead, And Thou hast...trusted, LORD, with Thee; And still, now spring has on ns smiled, We wait on Thy decree. The former and the latter rain, The summer sun and air, The green... | |
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