| Daniel Burston - 1662 - 338 pages
...is h}s leading proof, there we read. Far this cattje left I thee in Greet , that thott Jfhntldft fet in order the things that are wanting and ordain Elders in every City, as I had appointed thee. Here is the words of the Text, but where is the Evangelift * or how (hall we know it treats of... | |
 | 1685 - 634 pages
...EJUS ASACRIS. TIT. i. 5. « , u/tt TO For this cauj'e left I thee in Greet, that thoujhouldeft fet in order the things, that are wanting, and ordain Elders in every City, as I had affointed thee. THis Efiflle is one of the three, not unfitly flyled the Hierarchical Eft flies, de... | |
 | Thomas Brett - 1710 - 486 pages
...himfelf, (a) For this Caufe, (fays he, writing to Titus) left I thee in Crete> that thuit fliouldeft fet in Order the Things that are •wanting, and ordain Elders in every City, as I had appointed thce. That Timothy alfo had the fame Authority, b&fides the like Teftimony of the Fathers, the fame... | |
 | Thomas Bennet - 1715 - 228 pages
...thy miniftry. : ,...io.. Titus if ii. For this caufe left I thee in Crete, that them (houldeft fet in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee. If any be blamelefs, the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accufed of riot,... | |
 | John Pearson (bp. of Chester.) - 1715 - 426 pages
...fuddenly on no man, and to Titus, For this caufe left I thee in Crete, that rtt - 1 - Jthou Jhouldejt fet in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee. Thus by virtue of an apoftolical Ordination there is for ever to be continued a minifterial Succeflion.... | |
 | Thomas Brett - 1715 - 454 pages
...Words to Tit HI, to whom he fays, (/t) For this Caufc left I thee in Crete, that thou fhouldft fet in Order the Things that are wanting, and ordain Elders in every City, as I fe) i Cor. iy. ji . ( f) 2 Cor. xiii. 10. (g) i Theff. v. 13. (h) fJ:b. xiii. 7. 17. (i; ^ff. xiy.123.... | |
 | J. Slater - 1717 - 392 pages
...at Titus i. 5. For this Canfe left I thee in Crete, (fays the fame Apoftle,) that than jhouldft fet in Order the things that are wanting, and ordain Elders in every Cityt as I had appointed theeNothing can be plainer (I think) than thefe three Things are here : Firft,... | |
 | J. S - 1725 - 92 pages
...of the Ifland of Crete) For this Caufe, faid Tit. i. he, left I tbee at Crete, that thou Jhouldjlfet in Order the Things that are wanting, and ordain Elders in every City. And remember 3. That to no other Perfons whatfoever amongft the Thoufands of Followers and Difciples... | |
 | Richard Duke - 1730 - 416 pages
...fttddenly on No MM ; and to the Other, For this Caufe left I tbee in Crete, that thott fbouldeftftt tia order the things that are wanting and ordain Elders in every City, as I appointed tbee. And all this the Apoltlcs did by the Power of the Holy Ghofl given them by Chrijl,... | |
 | Joseph Besse - 1732 - 468 pages
...Elders in every City.' But the Text is, For this Caufe left I thee in Crete, that thou Jhouldft fet in order the Things that are wanting, and ordain Elders in every City, as I had appointed thee. Which laft Words, as I had appointed thee, feem defignedly left out by our Opponent, becaufe... | |
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