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" ... and they composed, including the rest of the Italians who were enlisted into his service, a formidable body of fourscore thousand men. Forty thousand Moors and Carthaginians had been raised since the reduction of Africa. Even Sicily furnished its... "
Evanus: A Tale of the Days of Constantine - Page 205
de Augustine David Crake - 1872
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Martyrologia; or, Records of religious persecution, a new and comprehensive ...

John Sundins Stamp - 1849 - 650 pages
...the reduction of Africa. Even Sicily furnished its proportion of troops ; and the armies of Maxentius amounted to one hundred and seventy thousand foot, and eighteen thousand horse. The wealth of Italy supplied the expenses of the war ; and the adjacent provinces were exhausted, to...
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Life of Constantine the Great

Joseph Fletcher - 1852 - 152 pages
...pause before attacking so formidable an enemy. His troops, collected from Italy, Africa, and Sicily, amounted to one hundred and seventy thousand foot, and eighteen thousand horse ; while the entire force of Constantine numbered no more than ninety thousand foot, and eight thousand...
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The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire, with ..., Volume 2

Edward Gibbon - 1854 - 466 pages
...the reduction of Africa. Even Sicily furnished its proportion of troops ; and the armies of Maxentius amounted to one hundred and seventy thousand foot and eighteen thousand horse. The wealth of Italy supplied the expenses of the war ; and the adjacent provinces were exhausted to...
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Constantine the great, the union of the State and the Church

Edward Lewes Cutts - 1881 - 560 pages
...thousand Roman and Italian soldiers, forty thousand from Africa, and a contingent from Sicily; his forces amounted to one hundred and seventy thousand foot and eighteen thousand horse. But Constantine's military skill, the discipline of his troops, their confidence in their general and attachment...
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