Seize it with no faltering hold ! Spread its foldings high and fair, Let all see the Cross is there ! What, if to the trumpet's sound Voices few come answering round ? Scarce a votary swell the burst, When the anthem peals at first? God hath sown and... Evanus: A Tale of the Days of Constantine the Great - Page 3de Augustine David Crake - 1885 - 313 pagesAffichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | 1834 - 804 pages
...Seize it with no faltering hold ! Spread its foldings high and fair, lot all see the Cross is there ! What, if to the trumpet's sound Voices few come answering round ? Scarce a votary swell the burst, When the anthem peals at first? . GOD hath sown, and he will reap ; Growth is slow... | |
 | Lyra - 1836 - 264 pages
...Seize it with no faltering hold ! Spread its foldings high and fair, Let all see the Cross is there ! What, if to the trumpet's sound Voices few come answering round ? Scarce a votary swell the burst, When the anthem peals at first ? GOD hath sown, and He will reap ; Growth is slow... | |
 | 1837 - 282 pages
...Seize it with no faltering hold ! Spread its foldings high and fair, Let all see the Cross is there ! What, if to the trumpet's sound Voices few come answering round ? Scarce a votary swell the bunt, When the anthem peals at first ? GOD hath sown, and He will reap ; Growth is slow when... | |
 | Benjamin Isaacs Haight - 1841 - 146 pages
...Seize it with no faltering hold ! Spread its foldings high and fair, Let all see the Cross is there ! What if to the trumpet's sound, Voices few come answering...round ! Scarce a votary swells the burst When the anthem peals at first 7 God hath sown and he will reap ; Growth is slow when roots are deep. Keble... | |
 | 1849 - 804 pages
...note that sounds so sweetly on our ears shall prove the key-note of a glorious awakening harmony. " What, if to the trumpet's sound Voices few come answering round ? Scarce a votary swell the burst, When the anthem peals at first ? GOD hath sown, and He will reap ; Growth is slow... | |
 | 1866 - 628 pages
...Spread it with no faltering hold ; Spread its foldings hiljh and fair, Let all see the Cross is there. What if to the trumpet's sound, Voices few come answering round ? Scarce a votary swell the burst, When the anthem peals at first : God hath sown and He will reap — Growth is slow... | |
 | 1867 - 902 pages
...Seize it with no faltering hold ! Spread its foldings high and fair, Let all see the Cross is there ! " What, if to the trumpet's sound. Voices few come answering round ? Scarce a votary swell the burst, When the anthem peals at first ? God hath sown, and He will reap ; Growth is slow... | |
 | 1869 - 642 pages
...Spread it with no faltering hold, Spread its foldings high and fair, Let all see the Cross is there. What if to the trumpet's sound, Voices few come answering round, Scarce a votary swell the burst, When the anthem peals at first ? God hath sown, and He will reap ; Growth is slow... | |
 | John Keble - 1869 - 356 pages
...Seize it with no faltering hold ! Spread its foldings high and fair, Let all see the Cross is there ! What if to the trumpet's sound Voices few come answering round ? Scarce a votary swell the burst, When the anthem peals at first r God hath sown, and He will reap ; Growth is slow... | |
 | Augustine David Crake - 1871 - 322 pages
...him, and neither friend nor foe may ever gaze upon him more. END OF PART I. JE MILIUS ih* Second. ' What if to the trumpet's sound Voices few come answering round, Scarce a votary swells the burst When the anthem peals at first. God hath sown and he will reap ; Growth is slow where roots are deep. " Lyra... | |
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